Friday, 19 February 2016

Zbrush Column

To alter the screen area, under document tab use sliders to increase.
Under geometry turn smooth off, then hit subdivide up to 9 times.
Divide base mesh in maya because adding divisions in maya is easier to get an even distribution, otherwise it may be difficult to get the same level of detail in all areas.

With meshes that have more than one object, go to polygroups, check on poly autogroup then to sub tool and check groups split under the split header.
Increase subdivisions to 7.

Shortcut to morph B, M, O

Hold shift whilst rotating to snap to closest view.
to mask, hold ctrl and drag, then ctrl click to invert mask.
You can then use the deform tool on the right to

F to frame

UNDER zplugin
DECIMATION MASTER only when youre happy to export
If you then take the object back into maya, you can make the shape more efficient, and finsing the true edge is difficult. Re topologised it.

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